Monthly Newsletter

CEO, Innocent Mayawa

Greetings to you,

Are you tired of spending endless hours navigating through crowded local markets, only to find yourself stressed out and overwhelmed by the end of your weekly shopping errand? We understand the frustration and inconvenience you face, and that’s why we are thrilled to introduce you to MabiboSokoni Services – your new shopping companion!

At MabiboSokoni, our mission is to revolutionize your shopping experience and make it more convenient, reliable, and affordable than ever before. Through our website,, and our user-friendly Android App, we connect you directly with small vendors in your local market, bringing the market to your fingertips.

Here’s how MabiboSokoni Services can transform your shopping routine:

  1. Time-saving Convenience: Say goodbye to those never-ending shopping trips. With our platform, you can easily browse through a wide range of products from various local vendors, create your personalized shopping list, and place orders within minutes. No more wasting precious hours wandering in the dusty roads!
  2. Reliable and Verified Vendors: We understand the importance of quality and trust when it comes to shopping. All our vendors go through a rigorous verification process, ensuring that you receive only the best products and services. Your satisfaction is our top priority!
  3. Affordable Shopping: Enjoy competitive prices and exclusive deals that you won’t find elsewhere. By supporting local vendors through MabiboSokoni, you are contributing to their growth and success, which directly benefits the community.
  4. Hassle-free Delivery: Skip the exhausting traffic ques. Our reliable delivery service will bring your purchases right to your doorstep, saving you both time and effort.
  5. Financial Inclusion for Small Vendors: By choosing MabiboSokoni, you play a vital role in empowering small vendors in the local market. We help them establish a financial profile and create opportunities for growth and sustainability.

Ready to transform your shopping experience? Signing up is quick and easy! Just head over to our website or download our Android App from the Google Play and create your account.

Join the MabiboSokoni community today and take the first step towards a stress-free and enjoyable shopping journey. If you have any questions or need assistance, our dedicated customer support team is always here to help, WhatsApp no +255753044066

Thank you for considering MabiboSokoni Services. We look forward to serving you and making your shopping experience delightful.

Happy shopping!

Best regards,


Co-Founder, CEO

The MabiboSokoni Services